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Site Coordination Spotlight

The heart of the ND Full-Service Community Schools model is a dedicated coordinator to lead local efforts through partnership.


ND Full-Service Community Schools

Transforming educational outcomes through a whole-child, whole-family approach to student success.

North Dakota Full-Service Community Schools (NDFSCS) enhance student success through a whole-child, whole-family approach with collaborative partnerships and comprehensive support services.

SchoolsPartners & Providers

Who We Are

We are a Consortium representing a variety of ND schools and organizations who are passionate about helping ND students and families succeed.

What We Do

We partner with local leaders to coordinate comprehensive supports in areas such as wellness, workforce readiness, and academic enrichment to help students, families, and communities thrive.

Why We Do It

Students cannot learn when their basic needs are not met. Not all schools have the resources to meet all needs. NDFSCS supports schools and community partners in navigating these challenges together.

ND Full-Service Community Schools Pipelines

Full-Service Community Schools work to align comprehensive supports to pipelines known to improve student, family and community outcomes. These Pipeline Services depicted here have been identified and adapted specifically through our ND Full-Service Community Schools Consortium.